Click here for information about the Avian Flu

Avian Influenza, also called H5N1, is a viral disease found in wild and domestic birds. It is transmissible to many mammals, with our biggest concern being pet cats. The most likely ways for cats to become ill is by catching wild birds or from eating a raw-food diet. People can also become sick from avian influenza.

There have been several recent cases of cats contracting avian influenza (and dying) from being fed a commercial frozen raw-food diet. Transmission is also possible from feeding raw (non-pasteurized) milk. Freeze-dried or high-pressure pasteurized diets have a lower risk of causing avian influenza but still have a potential to transmit pathogens. If you are currently feeding a raw diet, we recommend transitioning your pet to a cooked diet. Frozen raw diets can be baked before feeding to kill the virus. 

Cats can also become infected with avian influenza from hunting wild birds. We recommend keeping cats inside at all times, or allowing them outside only while monitored on leash or contained in a catio or cat tent.

Symptoms of avian influenza in cats include respiratory signs such as nasal discharge, coughing and wheezing, and neurologic signs such as wobbliness, difficulty walking and seizures. If you are concerned your cat could be exhibiting signs of avian influenza either call us or your local emergency clinic. Keep in mind that avian influenza is relatively rare, and there are many other diseases that can cause similar signs. If your cat is not allowed outside and is not eating a raw diet then your cat does not likely have avian influenza. If your cat is having trouble breathing or is not able to stand, head to the nearest emergency clinic right away, calling them while en route. 

There is no vaccine to prevent avian influenza in cats. 

Please let us know if you have questions. To read more information about avian influenza and cats visit these links:

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Consent Form

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Pet Details

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Owner Details

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After the veterinarian has examined your pet you will receive a phone call with a treatment plan and recommendation that includes an estimate of cost. In the event that we are unable to contact you, Please list your preference:



Any known reactions or allergies to medications or vaccinations?(Required)
Has your pet shown recent signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing or sneezing?(Required)
Has your pet shown changes in appetite, drinking or exercise habits?(Required)


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The information provided on this form is true to the best of my knowledge. I authorize North Seattle Veterinary Clinic to examine and initiate for my pet. This may include treatment for shock and pain. I understand that no guarantee or warranty for success can be given and that some risks are involved in all procedures and treatments. I assume financial responsibility for charges incurred to this patient. if I am not the owner of the animal, I represent that I have been given authority by the owner to obtain medical treatment for this patient, and to incur costs of its care. I understand payment in full is due at the time that I pickup up the patient.
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